Tuesday, January 28, 2014


So this week as I am getting ready to head back to school (ugh, I can't even pretend to be excited)...I am kind of reflecting back to where I was in my life last year. Back then, I couldn't really even imagine being here now, and I didn't know quite how things would be. Let's see...

 LAST year at this time I had just made the decision to get healthy. I weighed 263 pounds, couldn't walk a mile, drank a 6 pack of pepsi A DAY, never drank water, never ate veggies and was working to work.

THIS year I've been getting healthier, I weigh 222 pounds, I can fast jog 5 miles, I drink 2-3 diet sodas A WEEK, drink a gallon of water a day, eat fruits and veggies daily, changed jobs to one I LOVE, and am back in school to finish up what I started years ago.

Totally loving these changes:)

What a difference a whole year can make! Of course, I'm another year older, my sweet babies are another year older, my littlest isn't nursing anymore, my oldest is in junior high school (with an attitude) my middle is in dance class, bittersweet changes too:)

What kind of changes have you gone through this past year?

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